Saturday 21 March 2009

Lucan Sinn Féin calls on An Bord Pleanála to reject proposal for planned incinerator - 7 November 2008

Lucan Sinn Féin calls on An Bord Pleanála to reject proposal for planned incinerator

Lucan Sinn Féin local representative Robert Ballesty chaired a public meeting in the Spa Hotel on 6 November, where Sinn Féin MEP Mary Lou McDonald outlined Sinn Féin's opposition to plans to build an incinerator in Rathcoole, which is just six miles from Lucan. Also attending the meeting were spokespersons for RAID (Rathcoole Against Incinerator Dioxins), Deborah MacDermott and Liam MacDermott as well as Dublin Sinn Féin spokesperson on the Environment, Councillor Daithí Doolan.

Speaking after the meeting Robert Ballesty said "Lucan Sinn Féin is opposed to this planned incinerator because 70% of the time the south-west prevailing winds will carry the toxic emissions from the plant over Dublin - our most densely populated area. Dioxins resulting from the incineration are cancer-causing and the EPA in America considers them among the most toxic substances. They are linked to cancer, birth defects, miscarriages and sterility. Heavy metals and small particles (PM10s) from the process are highly dangerous causing respiratory complaints and other health issues. Thousands of trucks will be carrying rubbish to the plant and other trucks will be removing by-products from the process, including hazardous products. Thousands of tons of rubbish will be imported into the area and burned on our doorstep. This could be the largest incinerator in Europe.

"We are calling on An Bord Pleanála to reject this proposal. Dublin faces a waste management crisis, but continuing to bury and burn our waste is a totally unacceptable policy. Incineration must be ruled out as an option, it should never be considered. This government should invest in a programme to reduce, reuse and recycle our waste. A zero waste strategy needs to be implemented in Dublin. It is the only credible and workable alternative to incineration.

"Sinn Féin will stand by the people of Rathcoole and RAID who are committed to opposing the incinerator and urge An Bord Pleanála to reject this proposed incinerator. A petition has been set up at and I urge as many people as possible to sign it. We will protest against this incinerator until we're sure not one sod will be turned on the proposed site"

The photo above was taken at the public meeting, seated from left to right are, Liam MacDermott (RAID), Mary Lou McDonald MEP, Councillor Daithí Doolan, Lucan Sinn Féin Representative Robert Ballesty, and Deborah MacDermott (RAID)

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